Teaser Tuesday: Lions of SF

Every Tuesday, a Teaser of a photo is posted on the IAmMyCitySF social media accounts.  The users get a chance to guess what appears in the actual photo and the first people to guess are announced during the reveal on on the blog post at iammycitysf.com.

The Teaser...

This week, I Am My City SF is focusing on the west side of San Francisco including areas like Ocean Beach, The Cliff House, Sutro Heights Park, The Sutro Baths Ruins, Lands End and more!

For today's Teaser Tuesday, it's pretty obvious that this is a photo of a Lion. However, the same Lion Statues are located in 3 specific areas on the west side of SF. 

Where specifically does the Lion in this photo live??? And for a bonus, what are the 3 areas that are home to these Lion Statues?



No winners this week.




The Reveal:
Lion Statues at Sutro Heights Park

LOCATION: Sutro Heights Park
PHOTO: Jared SF, IAMMYCITYSF    •    CAMERA: Olympus E-450
SHOOTING SPECS:   Shutter Speed: 1/80•  Aperture: f/4•  IOS: 400  •  40MM
LENS: Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4.0-5.6    •    FILTER: None

The Lions at Sutro Heights Park are located at the entrance and are the original lions that existed during the time Adolph Sutro lived on the premises.  Within the gallery below, you can see a zoomed in version of the information plaque shown in the photo above, which shows the Lions 'guarding' the original gate to the garden.

The other 2 location of the Lion Statues...

Lands End Lookout


Legion of Honor