Where's It From Wed: Audrey Rodgers Memorial Bench
There are many well known landmarks and street names that will be covered in this photo series, but there’s going to be an occasional instance where you are not only going to learn where something is from, but possibly be exposed to something you didn’t even know existed within San Francisco. This is one of those cases.
As I walked down Sanchez Street at the top of the hill (at 21st) to shoot an outstanding view of downtown, a dark image surrounded by shrubbery caught my eye. The Audrey Rodgers Memorial Bench is made out of a single piece of wood. “It has been carved from a section of giant redwood, smoothed and coated with a glass-like protective finish that reveals the rich redwood tones in the grain” (noevalleyvoice.com). According to the Noe Valley Voice, she was the major player in beautifying and preserving her area of the neighborhood (including getting it named a “special use district,” planting trees, and getting utilities put underground).
The dedication plaque on the ground near the bench reads, “Dedicated to Audrey Penn Rodgers | 1923-1994 | Who Loved San Francisco | by David Rodgers, MD, friends, family and neighbors. BEHOLD THE GREAT VIEW, THE ROSEY GOLDEN SUNRISE, THE WARM CLOSENESS TO THE SHELTERING SKY. -Laura L. Lengyel | Sculpture by J.B. Blunk”
LOCATION: The Audrey Rodgers Memorial Bench, Sanchez St. between 21st St. & Hill St.